What to Expect From Digitizing Competency Development

Authored By:

Geir Arnhoff, CEO of Dossier

Geir Arnhoff


Competency-based training helps healthcare workers achieve the required outcomes for the particular tasks staff are asked to undertake. Competency develops throughout one’s career by way of education, skills training, and experience – but the current process is broken. And Dossier is here to help fix it.

The Healthcare Paper Problem

Quality is a critical element of the care journey. A competent, skilled, knowledgeable healthcare team delivers superior care. However, paper-based competency education and management create opportunities for duplication and make reporting on competency progress, especially across departments, virtually impossible. Additionally, because these blind spots in reporting exist, learners have to re-demonstrate competencies from one department to another due to a lack of inter-departmental transparency. 

The Future of Healthcare: Digital Competency Management

Digitizing competency plans such as onboarding, orientation, sign-offs, etc., helps preceptors and healthcare staff work more efficiently and eliminates duplication. 

Additionally, departments, facilities, and enterprises shifting to digital competency management can: 

Reduce Variability in Care Delivery

Digitizing competencies helps to reduce variability in care delivery because the digital platform allows one plan to be shared with any individual, department, facility, or the entire health system. This consistency in training and development is essential for improving quality. Not only does this minimize the margin of error by way of variations in plans, but it also eliminates duplication of work – helping create more time for training and patients. 

Improve Interdepartmental Transparency & Collaboration

A digital competency tool also allows departments to collaborate on plan development and updates, as well as monitor progress

Scale with Ease

Shifting to digital competency management allows for best-in-class digital practices and provides hospitals and health systems with a scalable tool. 

Improve Healthcare Workforce Readiness

Have confidence in knowing your team is ready to respond to any emergency situation at any time because plans can be created, updated, assigned, and shared with individuals, departments, facilities, or the entire enterprise in minutes. 

Digitize Your Competency Plans

To maintain or improve quality and patient outcomes, digital competency-based training is necessary. Not only does it support healthcare organizations in the value-based care model, but it also helps to optimize resources and eliminate duplication of work. By digitizing and going paperless, healthcare workers are supported by a system that helps them provide optimum care.

To learn how Dossier’s all-in-one competency management tool can help your organization, schedule a quick demo.

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